Category Archives: Geography

Plan B

Well, I got busy at work, and have not had time to keep up-to-date with this, for which I apologize.  However, the time has not been wasted, as I have come up with Plan B for objective redistricting. This plan does not negate Plan A, but uses a different metric for determining which territories get […]

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More equalizations

Having discussed the first three equalizations in an earlier post, we continue…. 4.  After three equalizations, the gap is 2.0007.  The fourth  equalization equalizes Western & Middle Europe and Eurasia by bring the four nations of Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary from the Eurasian section to the West & Middle Europe section, which […]

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Testing the Objective Redistricting Procedure

I am going to make public the testing of the objective redistricting procedure as I go. Having gone through phase I (Make a list), Phase II (Biunication), and Phase III, (Bisegmentation), we proceed to Phase IV. Equalization Here is the starting point. After Bisegmentation, the next step is the Border Analysis Table. While it is […]

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A sample result of the Redistricting Project

I am going to try to upload a kmz file, to be used with Google Earth, called “World Split”.  The way it works is, if you need to district the world into X districts, check all the boxes of that number or lower, and voila, you have that many divisions of the world.  The results […]

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Objective Redistricting: Statement of the Problem

Besides list, the other thing that I have been obsessed with for most of my life is Maps.  One day, in the Summer of 2005, I had an idea.  As time went on, I refined the idea, which I will be explaining on this blog as I work out the bugs (it’s not finished yet). […]

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